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Hello, Internet

I have successfully yet created another blog/site in which I hope will last more than a month because I must be honest my responsibilities and priorities are absurd. Okay, since it's my first post I'm not going to bore the whole internet with my vows and hopes in maintaining this site cause promises are meant to be broken and I am a mess when it comes to commitment. That should explain my life in whole but hey, things change okay, maybe not now but soon, I guess. Well, this blog/site is going to be about me just talking about some newsworthy or time-worthy stuffs that happens in my life or maybe just write a review about a book which completely got me into a bookhangover (if you didn't know, it basically means not being able to move on from a book due to its EXTRAORDINARY plot) or maybe just a rant. So DISCLAIMER: You might not want to read my blog if your easily offended or butthurt type of people cause this blog is purely based on my opinions cause I own it and if you don't know where the term 'butthurt' comes from you should already be leaving cause this blog, my friend will be consisting lots and lots of youtube and bookish references, so be prepared my child. That's about it. Stay tuned! xx, shalini

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